3 Things All Pregnant Women Should Know

Pregnancy is a beautiful time in a parent's life. It's 38 plus weeks of an emotional roller coaster that ends with a tiny human. Throughout your pregnancy, you'll experience a lot, and your baby growing in your belly is going to be experiencing everything as well. There may be some things you weren't aware of about pregnancy that you should know. Read on for some information to help you during your pregnancy if you are planning on becoming pregnant or you've just found out that you are pregnant.

1. Don't Give In To All Of Your Cravings

Sure, you may really have a craving for ice cream every single day, but you probably shouldn't give in to these cravings all the time. The weight you gain during your pregnancy is weight you're going to have to take off after you have the baby. The weight you gain can also make your pregnancy more difficult for you and for your baby, so don't give in to too many of these cravings. Give in to some, but not all, and try to do something to get over the cravings, such as taking a walk or doing something else to get it out of your mind.

2. Avoid Travel In Your Third Trimester

Avoid traveling in the last trimester of your pregnancy. If you plan on traveling, try to do so earlier on in your pregnancy. If you are flying in your third trimester, you could potentially go into labor while on a flight, or you could end up in labor somewhere else other than where you planned on having your baby. Limit how far you intend on traveling in the last trimester of pregnancy and don't fly at all during this last trimester.

3. Exercise Is Good For You And Your Baby

Getting out and moving is good for you and your baby. It can also help with childbirth and labor as well. If you are sitting all of the time, it can make you feel uncomfortable and it can weaken your muscles. Get up and get moving. Take walks, ride a bike, get into pregnancy yoga, or just be active in other ways to keep you active and moving, for a healthier you and a healthier baby.

If you are pregnant or you are planning on becoming pregnant, you should talk to your obstetrician about other things you should be aware of during your pregnancy, such as what to avoid or what you need to be doing. Do what you can to stay healthy and to ensure your baby is as healthy as possible as well.

Reach out to a local obstetrician to learn more.

About Me

Choosing The Right Doctor

As soon as I discovered that I was pregnant, I realized that I needed to do something to ensure that my pregnancy was as safe as possible. I started focusing on finding a great OBGYN, but the search was a little more challenging than I originally anticipated. I realized that there were a few things I was going to have to take care of, such as talking with my insurance company to see who was in-network. This website is completely dedicated to choosing the right doctor to delivery your baby, so that you can enjoy the process of bringing life into the world.


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