Pain and Inflammation? It Could Be an Infection

If you are experiencing pain and inflammation around your vagina, it could be a skin or yeast infection. If you are feeling a painful pinching or burning, or your skin feels tough or hot to the touch, this is likely an infection in the skin. This can occur from a number of things, but it's usually from not cleaning your skin properly. Moist conditions can lead to infection. Read on for helpful tips to prevent this from occurring and what you can do about it.

Visit the Gynecologist

If you have pain in your vaginal area, you should seek help from your gynecologist to determine what the issue could be and how to treat it properly. Don't attempt to self-medicate or self-treat anything, as you could potentially worsen your condition and need further treatment in order to heal. Talk to your gynecologist about what issues you are experiencing and get a thorough exam to diagnose the issue properly.

Clean Yourself Properly

When in the shower, be sure you are washing your vulva with unscented soap, not body washes, as they aren't meant to be used in this sensitive area. Wash with soap and water and rinse your body thoroughly to remove the soapy residue. After going to the bathroom, be sure you are wiping from front to back and not the other way around. The latter is a good way to spread bacteria, which can lead to infections. If need be, use wet wipes to help clean up after going to the bathroom. Also be sure you are taking showers after working out and sweating a lot, as well as after sex. This excess moisture from working out or from sex can lead to infections of the skin and yeast infections as well.

Stay Dry

If you sweat a lot throughout the day, change your underwear and put on dry underwear whenever possible and make sure you are wiping enough to dry your vulva. The additional moisture will lead to infections. To help stay dry, wear underwear that is breathable and that wicks sweat away from the body, such as cotton underwear. Also, wear clothing that is breathable and doesn't make you sweat.

If you have pain or inflammation in or around your vagina, you should seek help from your gynecologist to determine if it is an infection. Follow the treatment given by your gynecologist and the advice given to you in order to prevent this from happening again. 

About Me

Choosing The Right Doctor

As soon as I discovered that I was pregnant, I realized that I needed to do something to ensure that my pregnancy was as safe as possible. I started focusing on finding a great OBGYN, but the search was a little more challenging than I originally anticipated. I realized that there were a few things I was going to have to take care of, such as talking with my insurance company to see who was in-network. This website is completely dedicated to choosing the right doctor to delivery your baby, so that you can enjoy the process of bringing life into the world.


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